C-FARE increases public appreciation for research, extension, outreach, and academic programs in agricultural and applied economics.

The mission of the Council on Food, Agricultural & Resource Economics (C-FARE) is to translate knowledge generated by agricultural and applied economics professionals into educational programming directed to policy-makers, Congressional staff, stakeholders, and leaders in the federal administration

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November Newsletter - Market Corner

The global agricultural and food economies are facing multiple challenges - growing food demand, adapting to climate change, improving the nutritional content of food, reducing negative environmental side effects, and improving the well-being of the rural sector. These challenges require changes in food and agricultural technologies. Fortunately, the land grant system and government commitment to public support of research provide a great foundation to reinvent food and agricultural systems in the US and globally.

The land grant system is a key part of a large publicly supported research system that provides basic knowledge and education about food, agriculture, and health. Increased basic knowledge is essential but not sufficient to drive technological progress. In the post-WW2 era, we have witnessed the emergence of institutions that translate new knowledge into practical innovation. In particular, the modern…..